Identidades Comunes - Identidades Cruzadas. Proyecto de colaboración de la Red de Homólogos de Diseño e Innovación Social AUSJAL

  • Astrid Rocío Mendoza Valladares
  • Kenia Guisela Hernández Vega de Villagrán
  • Hernán Ovidio Morales Calderón
  • Fernando Arboleda Aparicio
Keywords: Cultural identity ; AUSJAL ; Industrial Design ; Innovation ;Social innovation ; research in design


In Latin America there are universities entrusted to the Society of Jesus that, to attend to their relationship, have created a space called the Association of Universities Entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America (AUSJAL), seeking to contribute to the development of the region from the higher education. Within the framework of this purpose, the universities of each country seek to share, unite and disseminate their strengths in different areas by forming Peer Networks around these. Universities that have educational programs in Design are currently carrying out a series of actions with a view to sharing experiences and generating collaboration strategies for the development of the discipline in the region from the approach of social responsibility common to the institutions belonging to AUSJAL. . In this sense, this text aims to disseminate the work carried out and promote the active participation of all design academics and researchers, both from AUSJAL universities and from others that feel relevant and pertinent the intentions expressed here.


Achaerandio, L. (1993). Características de la Universidad Inspirada por el Carisma Propio de la Compañía de Jesús. Guatemala: Universidad Rafael Landívar.

Bernad, J. A. (2000). Modelo cognitivo de evaluación educativa: escala de estrategias de aprendizaje contextualizado (ESEAC). Madrid, España: Editorial Narcea.

López, R. y otros. Revista Signa No. 4, Red De Homólogos de Diseño AUSJAL. Universidad Rafael Landívar, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño. Segundo Semestre, 2014 ISSN 2304-8794.

How to Cite
Mendoza Valladares, A. R., Hernández Vega de Villagrán, K. G., Morales Calderón, H. O., & Arboleda Aparicio, F. (2021). Identidades Comunes - Identidades Cruzadas. Proyecto de colaboración de la Red de Homólogos de Diseño e Innovación Social AUSJAL. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137).

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