El impacto de la complejidad en la enseñanza del diseño en tiempos del COVID 19

  • Olivia Fragoso Susunaga
Keywords: teaching ; design ; transdisciplinarity ; complexity ; time


The contingency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic led many educational institutions around the world to the urgency of implementing non-face-to-face teaching practices. Multiple factors, both internal and external, intervene in this process, which is why aspects such as time are problematic for students and teachers. Beyond the undeniable tragedy of the loss of many lives, people have had to get used to the so-called “new normal” for more than a year, which implies a transformation in daily activities. The impact of complexity on the understanding of this phenomenon is a way of understanding the way in which reality is transformed in the teaching of design in a pandemic scenario.


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How to Cite
Fragoso Susunaga, O. (2021). El impacto de la complejidad en la enseñanza del diseño en tiempos del COVID 19. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi137.5062

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