Percepción y recepción desde la mirada del diseñador gráfico. Relaciones dialécticas entre los enfoques perceptualistas y semióticos

  • José Rafael Salguero Rosero
Keywords: Design ; perception ; semiotics ; dialectical relationship


This article confronts two approaches that a graphic designer should consider when working on a visual image or a design object. The perceptualist approach, that is based on sensitive perception, as opposed to the semiotic approach, which considers the image as a sign. Analyzing and confronting these two approaches is of interest, to give informed responses to the continuous ratings that are heard about visual images or design objects. The categories of ugly, beautiful, pleasant, unpleasant, among others, constitute for some, rating scales for a design product. Faced with a cognitive weakness of the proponent, on occasions, these assessments are considered valid and changes are granted for the proposals, which cause the design not to fulfill the function for which it was made.


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How to Cite
Salguero Rosero, J. R. (2021). Percepción y recepción desde la mirada del diseñador gráfico. Relaciones dialécticas entre los enfoques perceptualistas y semióticos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (139).