La naturaleza y la tecnología como elementos interdisciplinarios en la enseñanza del diseño: Proyecto “We Won’t Waste You” Nature and technology as interdisciplinary elements in teaching design: Project “We Won’t Waste You”

  • Jorge Lino Alves
  • Bárbara Rangel
  • Claudia Alquezar Facca
Keywords: Design ; Project ; Technology ; Nature ; Interdisciplinarity ; Teaching Design ; Materials ; Manufacturing Processes ; Recycling ; Reuse


This paper presents the interdisciplinary project “We Won’t Waste You” developed in the Master’s Program of Product and Industrial Design, University of Porto, Portugal, in partnership with the Municipality of Matosinhos. Based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, on Project-Based Learning and on Material Driven Design methodology, students developed products using discarded materials (crustacean shells, charcoal ash, scales, egg shells, etc.) in two different contexts: nature that is capable of supplying incredibly interesting raw materials and often ready and suitable for use and application in new products, and the catering industry that generates a large amount of discarded waste that can be reused for new purposes.


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How to Cite
Alves, J. L., Rangel, B., & Alquezar Facca, C. (2021). La naturaleza y la tecnología como elementos interdisciplinarios en la enseñanza del diseño: Proyecto “We Won’t Waste You” Nature and technology as interdisciplinary elements in teaching design: Project “We Won’t Waste You”. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (140).