Educación Artística y comunicación del Patrimonio de Al-Ándalus a través del diseño textil contemporáneo. Una propuesta didáctica y pictórica

  • María Dolores Gallego Martínez
Keywords: arts education ; heritage education ; learning by doing methodology ; fabric design ; Al;Andalus wall tiling


This article presents a didactic and creative teaching innovation proposal that is part of the Educational and Cultural Program called “Living and Feeling the Heritage” of the Regional Ministry of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía. Based on the experience and knowledge of the author herself –as a visual artist, researcher and lecturer–, a project is offered around Arts and Heritage Education of a marked innovative character and with a focus on the Monumental Site of the Alhambra and the Generalife of Granada (Spain). Thus, through research, design and artistic creation, the proposal will be deepened in the knowledge and the interpretation of the geometric art so characteristic of Al-Andalus ceramic tiles for its subsequent application to contemporary textile design –and even to garment design– using manual and artisan techniques such as block printing or drawing with threads. In this way, from the educational context and applying the learning by doing methodology, the students will develop their creativity creating their own and unique textile design. Furthermore, they will also understand the meaning and value of this heritage asset of Al-Andalus, promoting their own individual and collective heritage awareness, such as the conservation and dissemination of Andalusian heritage.


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How to Cite
Gallego Martínez, M. D. (2021). Educación Artística y comunicación del Patrimonio de Al-Ándalus a través del diseño textil contemporáneo. Una propuesta didáctica y pictórica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (141).