Nix y Kassandra: el viaje de la heroína griega a través del videojuego

  • Ruth García Martín
  • Begoña Cadiñanos Martínez
Keywords: Hero’s Journey ; Nyx ; Kassandra ; NyxQuest ; Assassin’s Creed Odyssey ; Video Games ; Greek Mythology ; Eusebeia ; Heroine ; Campbell


The Campbellian monomyth of the hero’s journey is mainly linked to the figure of a male hero who must complete a journey that results in a transformation not only for himself but also for society. Perseus, Hercules or Cadmus are examples of this journey within the Greek world. However, we also find examples with heroines such as the Argonaut Atalanta or the goddess Demeter. They are, however, exceptions since the Hellenic heroines normally act at a more local level, they have more to do with family, tradition and established order. This idea can be seen embodied in the figures of Penelope or Antígona, who, in moments of crisis, lacking physical strength, make use of their intelligence or cunning to carry out their plans. In the video game medium the hero’s journey has been adapted with great versatility and we find these patterns in titles set in Hellas. Nikandreos (Apotheon) and Kratos (God of War) are the prototypical male hero who must overcome the hero’s journey, Nix (NyxQuest) and Kassandra (Assassin’s Creed Odyssey) are two heroines who do have their own heroine journey: the goddess Nix, like Demeter, sets out in search of a loved one who has disappeared and thereby restores the world from Helios’ actions saving humanity. Kassandra, for her part, must rebuild her fractured family while trying to eliminate the evil Cult of Kosmos that tries to corrupt and seize global power in the Greek world.


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How to Cite
García Martín, R., & Cadiñanos Martínez, B. (2021). Nix y Kassandra: el viaje de la heroína griega a través del videojuego. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (142).