Japopsampler: influencias de la cultura pop japonesa en los consumos de moda argentina

  • Victoria Nannini
Keywords: fashion consumption ; japanese popular culture ; kawaii ; digital media ; sampling


These days, the effects of hypermediatization linked to the uses of digital technologies evince some growing influence of Japanese popular culture on cultural consumption at a global level. In Argentina, there is a strong brand of what is called Neojapanisme, which is especially perceived in fashion consumption altogether with a hybridization of heterogeneous styles. The present work aims to address the practices related to fashion consumption in young people through digital media and virtual platforms that are influenced by Japanese popular culture. In this way, it is possible to detect consumer practices that sample, mix and replicate Japanese cultural vestiges ranging from anime, through kawaii to the use of Japanese kanjis, along with other aesthetics and fashion styles; therefore communicating constructions of new subjectivities regarding appearance, brand selection, gender, among other aspects.


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How to Cite
Nannini, V. (2021). Japopsampler: influencias de la cultura pop japonesa en los consumos de moda argentina. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (147). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi147.5476