Diseño de materiales emergentes desde un enfoque basado en la naturaleza

  • Jimena Alarcón Castro
Keywords: Material design ; User experience ; Nature ; New materials ; Waste ; Sustainability


The manuscript addresses the ideation of superficial appearances for emerging materials, taking as reference natural subjects of the plant world. The appearance of new materials offers the opportunity to achieve renewed experiences. The objective is to design appearances for predetermined substrates in the laboratory, assessing the contributions of surface design to the users’ perceptual construct. The methodology includes aspects related to bionics, selection and analysis of natural subjects; ideation of proposals; definition of substrates; prototype manufacturing; and user studies. The conclusions are oriented towards the implication of the natural referent in user evaluations, as well as the use of digital technologies in the ideation process.


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How to Cite
Alarcón Castro, J. (2021). Diseño de materiales emergentes desde un enfoque basado en la naturaleza. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (149). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi149.5525

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