Universo perdido: Lo bucólico en la moda

  • Patricia M. Doria
  • Eugenia Bailo Donnet
Keywords: fashion ; society ; history ; trends ; clothing ; Cottagecore ; sign ; symbol ; story ; idyllic


The times of fashion are updated and re-invented, society reflects its states through clothing that defines the changes that go through and the social trends that interpose them. Art and fashion accompany time as a sign and symbol. They constitute the latent account of the social changes, of the manifestations, deficiencies and concerns of the reality of the world. These stories are closely related to modern life, restless, ephemeral, changing, anxious, impatient; It aims for changes as well as trends quickly. Not only in the variation of the quantitative contents of life, but also in the power acquired by the formal appeal of limits, of the beginning and the end, of arriving and leaving. The fashion system speaks of the future behaviors of society. Thus, with the emergence of Cottagecore, fashion acts as an escape to an idyllic life, an ideal world only allowed for a few.


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How to Cite
Doria, P. M., & Bailo Donnet, E. (2022). Universo perdido: Lo bucólico en la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (150). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi150.5535

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