La hibridación de la moda: la teoría del actor-red

  • Ana María Ángeles Martínez Barreiro
Keywords: Fashion ; Nature ; Culture ; Sustainability ; Consumption ; Actor;Network (ANT) ; Social Practice (TPS)


In this situation of a global pandemic, the fashion system needs more than ever the constitution of a new, more sustainable and different imaginary. Where Bruno Latour’s proposal on hybridity is enriched with his theory of the actor network. The objective of this work is to challenge the conventional thinking of the study of fashion, through the actor network theory (ANT) and the theory of social practices (TPS). This approach gives us the opportunity to see the continuities between dress practices and their broad environmental impact and at the same time allows us to begin to think more radically about how we connect with nature and culture, and in this way assemble the relationships between our clothing and the environment.


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How to Cite
Martínez Barreiro, A. M. Ángeles. (2022). La hibridación de la moda: la teoría del actor-red. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (150).