Artification: la interacción entre moda y arte contemporáneo en el proceso de construcción de identidad marcaria. Estudio de caso: Kostüme

  • Facundo Nadur
Keywords: Market ; design ; fashion ; art ; marketing ; society ; culture ; author ; brands ; identity


 In a market as atomized as that of clothing; designer brands must carry out differentiation strategies that justify the monetary value of their products. To achieve this, some players define their positioning by taking resources from contemporary art. Kostüme is a clear example of this type: it uses resources from the artistic field to build its brand identity, which contributes to its position as a brand of legitimate author design in the local clothing market. What resources of art are used by certain author design brands, such as Kostüme, to build an identity that differentiates them from the rest of the brands on the market and justifies their value? The main objective of the work is to describe and analyze how Kostüme uses resources from the field of contemporary art; with a view to sketching notes, providing foundations and empirical bases that, without being proof of general statements, can collaborate in a possible conceptualization about how the interaction between clothing fashion and contemporary art would intervene in the process of construction of brand identity; and in the process of differentiation and positioning of signature design brands in the Argentine market.


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How to Cite
Nadur, F. (2022). Artification: la interacción entre moda y arte contemporáneo en el proceso de construcción de identidad marcaria. Estudio de caso: Kostüme. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (152).