Investigación en Dibujo, Arte y Creatividad. Descripción de diversas casuísticas

  • Cayetano José Cruz García
Keywords: Drawing ; Form ; Imagination ; Creativity ; Evolution ; Investigation


This article represents a synthesis of the particular research stage, carried out from the drawing area, and within the framework of product design and artistic creation; in this way, he tries to illustrate research in artistic areas, and in particular drawing. Drawing is an expressive means of artistic language that allows to represent the Form, for different functions and contexts. It can serve to represent both what is observed, as the imagined or a devised speech. Research in drawing can be oriented towards various factors that enable innovation: Developing new models, applying new production methodologies or from the educational field, or from a multidisciplinary exercise, which could enable the creation of patents, utility models, ... This article, aims to shed light on these different research assumptions.


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How to Cite
Cruz García, C. J. (2022). Investigación en Dibujo, Arte y Creatividad. Descripción de diversas casuísticas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (159).