Animación com vocación inclusiva

  • Maria Claudia Bolshaw Gomes
  • Nilton Gonçalves Gamba Jr
Keywords: Animation ; Inclusion ; Innovation


The present work is the outcome of a research that took many years for been executed and has no dead-end result, but I believe it can contribute to the debate and the crescent building of the animation language. We found many premisses and only a few answers. We believe that the animation itself has its language and the space for inclusion and collaboration between different people, but we don’t know exactly how it started, not even if it will continue to be like this with the technology advancement. Through the Núcleo de Artes Digitais e Animação from PUC-Rio (N.A.D.A.), we have analyzed all the productions made throughout his 20 years of existence and counted on many works that represent diversity, through technique and storytelling.


Bendazzi, G. (1995) Cartoons

Bolshaw, M. C.- (1996) Dissertação de Mestrado - A reconstrução geométrica de Fernando Diniz, PUC- RIO. Departamento de Artes e Design

Coelho, R. (2000) A arte da animação

Eneida, B., (2013) Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial – ABPEE - UnB

Gamba, Jr., N. (2012) - A análise de discurso como método para a pesquisa em Design

Morin, E.(2001) A Cabeça Bem-feita: Repensar a Reforma, Reformar o Pensamento

Nicolaci-da-Costa, A. M. (2006) Cabeças Digitais

Williams, R. (2001) The Animator´s Survival Kit
How to Cite
Bolshaw Gomes, M. C., & Gonçalves Gamba Jr, N. (2022). Animación com vocación inclusiva. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (159).