From art to the expressive aesthetic dimension in a scenario of (un)sustainability

  • Alexandre de Oliveira
  • Alexandre de Oliveira
Keywords: Expressive aesthetic ; Art ; Design ; Subjectivities ; Images ; Imaginaries ; Sustainability


The change in production conditions and the consequent change in the exchange systems for goods and values, led contemporary societies to a highly complex process of political, social, economic and cultural organization. The conceived ecosystems, given their interdependence and sophistication, prevent any possibility of a compartmentalized and fragmented analysis about the implications for the subjective constructions of humans who over different times and spaces, undertook physical, critical and creative efforts to carry out such an intent. Although, the results of such an undertaking, affected societies at different stages and in different ways. Therefore, the need for a review of the founding paradigms is clear, once it the accumulation and the consequent equal sharing of the results of the efforts undertaken, were operated by means of looting, slavery, exploitation and exclusion in a continuous and ad infinitum movement that makes inequalities the mainstay of the Anthropocene. Towards that backdrop, this text proposes to problematize the forms of appropriation of subjectivities within the scope of art, considering the link of this field with the dominant values and the constant updates and links, with a view to supporting and feeding a power structure based on paradigm of production, circulation and consumption. The discussion, while indicating the limits and signs of exhaustion of the model in question, identifies subjective constructions that, despite operating in contemporary time space, seem to resist the expropriation of creative force, operating in a movement that opposes temporality and linear productivity, at the same time that questions the dominant paradigms, stressing the current model with expressive, insurgent and disruptive characteristics. It is a construction that moves towards humans, weaving community projects that take up the expressive aesthetic dimension as a possibility for change.


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, A., & de Oliveira, A. (2022). From art to the expressive aesthetic dimension in a scenario of (un)sustainability. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (158).