Sukakollos y bioflujos regenerativos en el territorio andino

  • Vania Susana Calle Quispe
Keywords: Water ; Sukakollo ; Ecosystem ; Bioflow ; Community ; Iteration ; Mutual ; Andes ; Regenerative ; Andean Territory


Given the current conditions of entropy increase due to the effects of global warming, and symbiotic disturbances, this article addresses the Andean science technology of Sukakullo (Furrow or Cultivation, Kollu pile), as a regeneration device in the Andes, considering water in all its states as the main good, whose system allowed, through a self-organized and self-sufficient process, the regeneration of the ecosystem linked to its immediate context, food production, the concentration of biodiversity, generation of mutual networks, promotion of activities biotic, temperature gradient control, microclimate control, humidity increase, among some of its properties. In this way, the communities of the Bolivian highlands suffer water scarcity, this situation is aggravated when the inhabitants have only hours to store water from a community well, thus “water scarcity affects approximately 40% of the world population and, according to predictions According to the United Nations and the World Bank, drought could put 700 million people at risk of displacement by 2030.” (Milne, 2021) In this context, water, from the Andean logic, is constituted as a subject, which brings life and is part of the productive and reproductive process of living systems, therefore, the approach of technologies and symbolic values that regenerate the territory, are an alternative to counteract the effects of the multi-connected system.


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How to Cite
Calle Quispe, V. S. (2022). Sukakollos y bioflujos regenerativos en el territorio andino. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (158).