Las narrativas orientadas a generar comportamientos sostenibles dentro de la industria de los videojuegos y su incidencia en el activismo social

  • Ernesto Monzón Larios
Keywords: Sustainable design ; Digital society ; Planned obsolescence ; Wicked problems ; Design for transition ; Pathways design ; Vision of the future ; Lifestyles ; Behavioral Design ; Narratives


 In recent years, the video game industry has had an impact on the environment, due to the pollution caused by the processes of development, transportation and sale of products. Actions are being carried out to mitigate these problems, by those who are participants in this industry. In addition to this, the active role and concern on the part of users regarding the problems of their environment in recent years, glimpses an opportunity to include and sensitize them through a coordinated effort, having as a central axis the design of content and communication material with narratives or storytelling aimed at the search for sustainable behavior. The vision of the future contemplates provoking an active response by generating a reaction in the behavior of users. Thus, it seeks to influence the inherent activism of the new generations, who have found in the digital environment a way that allows them to inform themselves, react and bond with what they feel connected to. Likewise, in the video game sector, the aim is to promote changes in the production, marketing and life cycle processes of products, until a unified effort is generated that impacts regulations, social, economic and health aspects.


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How to Cite
Monzón Larios, E. (2022). Las narrativas orientadas a generar comportamientos sostenibles dentro de la industria de los videojuegos y su incidencia en el activismo social. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (158).