La percepción sonora como marco de análisis: procesos de hibridación entre ambiente y foley en videojuegos

  • Lautaro Alberto Dichio Suárez
Keywords: ludomusicology ; sound Perception ; sound effects ; sound ambient ; hybridization


The ludomusicological bibliography focuses on the study of music, but there is still no clear field of analysis of the other sound elements that make up sound design. The work has as its axis the exploration of the perceptual processes that occur between these elements. Based on the phenomenon of interchange, which is the exchange among two elements of use or meaning for that of the other, the concept of sound hybrid was elaborated, from which an analysis tool was developed to study the combinations between two sound elements. Any; in this study, the combination between ambient and foley. The interrelation of ambient and foley can be explained by the principles of Gestalt theory applied to sound. It is concluded that the concept of the sound hybrid enables a new way of interpreting the construction of virtual sound spaces, and also that they can help in the narrative, mechanics and design of the game.


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How to Cite
Dichio Suárez, L. A. (2022). La percepción sonora como marco de análisis: procesos de hibridación entre ambiente y foley en videojuegos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (160).