Diseño de una nueva arquitectura de materiales para el sector de la madera

  • Jimena Alarcón Castro
  • Javiera Brañes Alarcón
  • Josefina Brañes Alarcón
Keywords: materials design; industry ; waste ; sustainability


The current approaches referred to the design of new materials are related to the existence of a greater awareness of energy dependence and the unfavorable consequences for the economy. The increase in environmental regulations for consumers forces the industry to look for new production technologies and environmentally friendly products. The article presents an approach for the design of a new architecture of materials, to reduce the environmental impact, through the use of industrial waste from the Chilean wood manufacturing sector. Given the characteristics of energy saving and structural lightness that principles of nature offer, it is planned to integrate bionics as a relevant part of the definition.


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How to Cite
Alarcón Castro, J., Brañes Alarcón, J., & Brañes Alarcón, J. (2022). Diseño de una nueva arquitectura de materiales para el sector de la madera. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (166). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi166.7049

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