¡Tierra a la vista y pie en la luna: la aventura humana hacia lo desconocido!

  • Guto Lins
  • Jackeline Lima Farbiarz
Keywords: design in reading ; multimodality ; non-formal education ; cultural identity


This article is part of the doctoral dissertation in Design entitled: “Has a design in the middle of the way, in the middle of the way has the design”, defended by the author at PUC-Rio. He reports in detail the conception and assembly of the exhibition “Terra à Vista e Pé na Lua” with works by Ziraldo Alves Pinto, draftsman, writer and designer in celebration of the centenary of the National Historical Museum, in Rio de Janeiro. A tribute to the human adventure towards the unknown, metaphorically relating the conquest of Brazil by the Portuguese and the conquest of space by the astronauts. A dialogue, through multimodality, of the collections of Ziraldo and the MHN, seeking to re-signify the museum as a living, pulsating and current space. QR codes were generated to be easily read by the camera of cell phones, which encourage the visitor to look for the suggested links between the two collections.


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How to Cite
Lins, G., & Lima Farbiarz, J. (2022). ¡Tierra a la vista y pie en la luna: la aventura humana hacia lo desconocido!. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (166). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi166.7052