Narrativas incendiárias: Remix, Estética e Diferença em Little Fires Everywhere

  • Pedro de Assis Pereira Scudeller
  • Dariane Lima Arantes
Palavras-chave: audiovisibilidade ; remix culture ; representations of difference ; distribution of the sensible ; Little Fires Everywhere


This article proposes a comparative analysis of the bestseller Little Fires Everywhere and its adaptation for television, tensioning meanings and interpretations related to the gender, race and class markers present in their narratives. We seek to understand how the narratives of difference are incorporated and negotiated in these works, based on reflections on remix culture, and to identify the extent to which narratives reveal regimes of visibility and become operators of dissent, establishing a policy of difference in relation to female representations. We think here of the intersections between aesthetic experience, media culture and representations of difference.


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Como Citar
de Assis Pereira Scudeller , P., & Lima Arantes, D. (2021). Narrativas incendiárias: Remix, Estética e Diferença em Little Fires Everywhere. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (147).