This issue of the Journal of the Center of Design and Communication Studies in the Faculty of Design and Communication at the University of Palermo, gathers lucid and competent reflections from academics and professionals from different Latin American countries on the present and future of Design and Communications. This particular publication is the result of the exchange of glances, reflections and conclusions expressed by fellow academics and professionals in the Latin American Congress of Design Education, that the University of Palermo organized annually in the Latin American Design Meeting. We have gathered in this issue the critical view of authors from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
The publication organizes its contents in four axes: 1) The disciplinary field of design. Perspectives and approaches, 2) About design education: critical reflections and practical applications, 3) Models approach to scope; 4) Creative industries and cultural context and new paradigms. The contents of this book have been coordinated by Nora A. Morales Zaragoza Autonomous Metropolitan University, Cuajimalpa, Mexico and Maria Elena Onofre, University of Palermo, Argentina.

Published: 2019-10-29