Quiet Quitting: A Nomological Network Proposal Of Antecedents, Consequences And Third Variables
The COVID-19 pandemic undermined many of the principles and paradigms that governed the world of work until 2020. In the new organizational landscape, two phenomena are particularly demanding the attention of organizational behaviors researchers. On the one hand, the elevated rate at which workers have resigned from their jobs, which is known as the "great resignation". On the other hand, the attitude of low commitment, minimal effort, and no work proactivity, which is beginning to prevail among those workers who cannot give up their job really. The latter, known in the literature as "quiet quitting" is the topic of this essay. As it is an emerging phenomenon, a conclusive body of knowledge is not yet available. This paper aims to be a theoretical contribution, providing a nomological network of quiet quitting. That is, a representation of the interrelationship between this construct and a select set of psychosocial variables postulated as predictors, consequences and third variables, respectively. In this sense, based on the theoretical foundations provided by job demands and resources theory (JDR), health and resilient organizations model (HERO), the broaden–and–build theory of positive emotions (BBT), the mediation-moderation development, and the preliminary empirical evidence on the problem under analysis, this paper proposes a series of theoretical assumptions about its antecedents, consequences, and mediating-moderating variables. This paper provides a starting point for research on this issue in the local context, offering a theoretical model for a deeper understanding of the quiet quitting and identifying knowledge gaps for future research.
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