Positive Traits of the Light Triad as Predictors of Job Satisfaction and Performance. The Mediating Role of Engagement
The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between the positive traits of the Light Triad, work engagement, and work-related outcomes (i.e., job satisfaction and performance). Additionally, it sought to determine whether work engagement adds explained variance to the prediction of job satisfaction and performance beyond the positive traits. Lastly, the study aimed to examine the mediating role of work engagement in this relationship. The study included 360 Argentine employees with an average age of 44.6 years (SD = 11.4), 59.4% of whom were women and 40.6% men. The instruments used were: Light Triad Scale (LTS), Argentine Work Engagement Scale (EACT), Job Resources Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSRL-16), and Organizational and Individual Performance Survey. The analyses showed that work engagement adds explained variance to the prediction of job satisfaction and performance beyond positive personality traits. Moreover, a partial mediating effect of work engagement in this relationship was found. According to the results obtained, the importance of work engagement in the workplace is highlighted, as it enhances the effect of positive personality traits such as those analyzed by the Light Triad. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage the development of work engagement.
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