Labor satisfaction, mental health and burnout. Partial mediation analysis in a sample of drivers from Ecuador
Objective: To determine the mediation presented by Mental Health in the relation of Labor Satisfaction and Burnout in carriers of extra-heavy cargo from Salcedo, Ecuador. Methodology: The research is predictive, mediation and cross-sectional through the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire and the Labor Satisfaction Scale S20/23. Sample: 152 extra-heavy load drivers from 11 transport companies participated. The average age was 44.5 years (SD = 10.9). Results: Labor Satisfaction was moderate and there was a presence of Burnout, as well as psychological symptoms among drivers. Job Satisfaction and Mental Health were related to Burnout and these predicted changes in variance by 41.7%. Mental Health exerts a function of partial mediation between Satisfaction and Burnout (c= -,297; p< ,001 [c’= -,244; p< ,001]). Conclusion: Occupational Satisfaction and Mental Health are fundamental for the control and correction of Burnout in the analysed sample.
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