IVyF: Validity of a measurement instrument of character strengths classification of Peterson and Seligman (2004)

  • Alejandro Cesar Cosentino Universidad de Palermo
  • Alejandro Castro Solano CONICET/ Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: positive psychology, virtues, test, validity,


The Strengths of Character Inventory (SCI; IVyF in Spanish) is a measurement instrument for the 24 character strengths from the Peterson and Seligman (2004) character classification. Unlike other homologous questionnaires to measure the character strengths of this classification that are composed of dozens of items, the SCI is constituted by 24 items. This study focused on the validity of the SCI. Firstly, the SCI was associated with measures of conceptually relevant variables such as life satisfaction, personality from the Big Five model, and social desirability. Secondly, associations with more than medium effect size were found between self-rating and observer`s rating. The results of this research were similar to those obtained with homologous questionnaires. We conclude that SCI presents not only acceptable reliability, but also acceptable validity.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Castro Solano, CONICET/ Universidad de Palermo
Universidad de Palermo, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


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How to Cite
Cosentino, A. C., & Castro Solano, A. (2015). IVyF: Validity of a measurement instrument of character strengths classification of Peterson and Seligman (2004). Psicodebate, 15(2), 99-122. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v15i2.343