Workplace bullying in LatinAmerican workers who are employed in Spain: differences in the perception of harassment de- pending on the gender

  • David González-Trijueque Administración de Justicia de la Comunidad de Madrid
  • Marina Sabino Delgado
  • Roberto Tejero Acevedo Administración de Justicia de la Comunidad de Madrid
Keywords: mobbing, workplace bullying, labor discrimination,


In this article a pilot study is carried out on the perception of the workplace bullying that LatinAmerican workers employed in Spain have suffered and tur- ned for help to the “Platform against the Psychosocial Factors and the Labour Discrimination of the Community of Madrid” during the period 2003-2012. To do so, a sample of 74 women and 61 men was considered. All of them completed the LIPT60 (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization). The aim is to verify if the women suffer higher levels of workplace bullying than the men and to know possible differences in the mobbing typology. The obtained results indi- cate that women perceive a larger number of harassment behaviours as well as a major intensity in workplace bullying than men. Likewise, women report higher levels of often intimidation, loss of personal prestige, block of the communication and interference with their progress. The obtained results suggest that women are harassed in a qualitatively different way than men. 


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How to Cite
González-TrijuequeD., Sabino Delgado, M., & Tejero Acevedo, R. (2013). Workplace bullying in LatinAmerican workers who are employed in Spain: differences in the perception of harassment de- pending on the gender. Psicodebate, 13, 25-46.