Sexuality in older adults

  • Adrián Sapetti Centro Médico Sexológico
Keywords: Sexuality in older adults, Sexual response, Erectile dysfunction, Andropause, Eroticism,


Just as the body and its functions undergo changes with age, in the same way sexuality shares this aging process. However, remember a golden rule that we are sexual since we are born until we die; only possibilities are modified with the passage of the years. This article intends to show the changes that occur in the sexual response of the elderly. If sexual life during youth was pleasant and satisfactory this will condition sexuality in the socalled third age and the elderly seek to maintain it, this is not the case for those who had a dysfunctional past. This article briefly describes the andropause and the SIM, vicissitudes, changes and differences in sexual response and chances to maintain eroticism in the older adult. 


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How to Cite
Sapetti, A. (2013). Sexuality in older adults. Psicodebate, 13, 61-78.