Adaptation and validation of the MODIFIED CHECKLIST FOR AUTISM IN TODDLER for urban Argentina ́s population

  • Luisa Andrea Manzone Universidad de Palermo. Centro Argentino Integral de Tratamiento Individualizado. Fundación TEA (Trastornos del espectro autista)
Keywords: Autism, Screening, Validation, M-CHAT, Psychometric values,


Early detection leads to early intervention and improvement of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) prognosis. Argentina didn’t count with standardized ASD screening tools to be used among its professionals. Therefore the reliability and validity of the Argentinean version of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddler (M-CHAT) was tested. To do so, a sample of children from the general population (n = 420) was compared with a high risk sample of ASD children (n = 140). The M-CHAT version for Argentina showed satisfactory values of test-retest reliability, agreement between parents and Cronbach’s alpha. Results showed a positive predictive value= 0.9, negative predictive value= 0.95, sensitivity=0.97 and specificity=0.82. These values increased when a followup interview of M-CHAT was included. 


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How to Cite
Manzone, L. A. (2013). Adaptation and validation of the MODIFIED CHECKLIST FOR AUTISM IN TODDLER for urban Argentina ́s population. Psicodebate, 13, 79-105.