Attachment styles and self-concept: basis for positive adolescence

  • Valeria S. Martínez Festorazzi Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica -GIEPsi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET
  • Claudia E. Castañeiras Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica -GIEPsi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET
  • María Cristina Posada Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación Psicológica -GIEPsi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET
Keywords: adolescence, attachment styles, self-concept, salutogenic perspective,


The nature and characteristics of the primary bonds and attachment styles wwhich are established with parental figures and / or their surrogates in the first years of life, without doubt are one of the basis and models for later relationships. Intense changes will be produce particularly during adolescence in the parental bonds and the scenario, which defines and reinforces personal autonomy to be extended. In this way, self-concept is probably one of the most researched constructs in psychological tradition if we compare it with other psychological and contextual variables. Nevertheless, a few studies explore especially the relationship between attachment and self-concept in adolescents. The aim of this empirical study was to analyze the relationship between attachment styles and self-concept dimensions in adolescents, from a salutogenic approach in order to identify if certain attachment characteristics are associated with more positive aspects of self-concept. A sample of 583 adolescents aged 15- 18 years from public and private schools in Mar del Plata completed the AF5 and IPPA scales. Significant positive relationships were confirmed between secure attachment style and self- concept dimensions. These results provide empirical support to advance in the research about which characteristics are specifically related to positive and healthy development in adolescents. 


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How to Cite
Martínez Festorazzi, V. S., Castañeiras, C. E., & Posada, M. C. (2011). Attachment styles and self-concept: basis for positive adolescence. Psicodebate, 11, 27-42.