Well Being and Reparation when facing Mistreatment in Peruvian children

  • Lupe Jara Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Sociedad Peruana de Rorschach y Métodos Proyectivos
Keywords: Well Being, Reparation, Children rights, Mistreatment, Peruvian children, Thematic Drawing Technique,


The representations on mistreatment of 1832 Peruvian children, between seven and twelve years old, were studied using the Thematic Drawing technique with the instruction to draw about “we children do not want to be mistreated”. The results showed that although almost half of the participants (47%) answered drawing situations of abuse, a significant number of them (32.9%) drew scenes of well being that these children would like for themselves, while few of them (4.7%) understood the instruction as to draw about the efforts to thwart mistreatment situations, either through reparation or to change those situations. When the instruction was understood as drawing on Well Being or lack of abuse, the following scenes are found: a) children in positive situations either playing or feeling happy (50%); b) family harmony (38%) and c) defense of the legal rights children have (12.4%). On the other hand, it is noteworthy that among those drawings related to reparation in dealing with mistreatment, most participants were older children (11 and 12 years old) (51%), female children (65%) and children who are from Lima, the capital city (64%). It was usual to find that these participants introduce texts and make more sophisticated drawings. Results are discussed from a Positive Psychology perspective, emphasizing the resources and strength abilities that are updated in dealing with adverse situations, and also from Culture, Gender and Development perspectives. 


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How to Cite
Jara, L. (2011). Well Being and Reparation when facing Mistreatment in Peruvian children. Psicodebate, 11, 55-72. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v11i0.376