The relation between physical exercises and positive health

  • Walter N. Toscano Universidad de León, UNLAM- UFLO-Instituto Ward
Keywords: physical exercises, positive health, Greece medical school,


In ancient Greece, the benefits of physical exercise for the human body were recognized, as well as the importance of taking into account the person’s age, his physical condition climatic conditions and geographic location in which they lived. Was in that scenery where the figure of Hippocrates shinned, the creator of the Greece medical school who spoke about the importance of this kind of activities for human physical and mental health. This article analyzes the possible relation between physical exercises and positive health, as Boniwell (2006) quoted that the positive psychology operates on three levels (subjective, individual and group). To this end, we consider the practice of physical exercises as one of the activities that will contribute in achieving a good life in relation to a positive health. 


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How to Cite
Toscano, W. N. (2011). The relation between physical exercises and positive health. Psicodebate, 11, 103-113.