Studies about quality of life from a positive psychology perspective

  • Graciela Tonón Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: Quality of life, Positive Psychology,


The studies about quality of life have been developed since the 70, even the origin of the concept has remained since the 30 ́s. Nowadays, the theory about quality of life is like an umbrella, which includes different issues such as public policies, health, psychology, economy, social life, spirituality, etc. considering the objective and the subjective view. To study quality of life today, we need different disciplines so we can say that it is a multidimensional concept. Psychology has contributed to the research in life quality with concepts such as life satisfaction and subjective well-being. Positive Psychology related to the studies on life quality emphasizes people’s positive attributes to deal with daily life changes, crisis and adversity. 


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How to Cite
Tonón, G. (2010). Studies about quality of life from a positive psychology perspective. Psicodebate, 10, 73-82.