Towards an integration of positive and sickness paradigms in the prevention of eating disorders in adolescents

  • Vanesa C. Góngora CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Prevention, Eating disorders, Programs, Positive Psychology, Adolescents,


Eating disorders problems are highly relevant in adolescence and require intervention through the implementation of prevention and promotion health programs. A Few primary prevention programmers to fight eating disorders have reached satisfactory results. The most successful results have been obtained with approaches that promote media literacy, the use of cognitive dissonance and the enhancement of self-esteem. Since many of the programs based on the disease model have failed to prevent such difficulties, the prevention of eating disorders may be improved by taking the contributions of positive psychology. Studies have shown that interventions based on this paradigm are effective to increase the feeling of happiness and subjective well-being. Unlike the traditional approach that works with the identification of risk and protective factors, positive psychology emphasizes the identification and promotion of healthy factors. Positive interventions assume that strengthening the positive, the dysfunctional or negative will be diminished. The integration of both contributions will enrich the approach to promote healthy behavior in adolescents.


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How to Cite
Góngora, V. C. (2010). Towards an integration of positive and sickness paradigms in the prevention of eating disorders in adolescents. Psicodebate, 10, 279-296.