Resilience and family of oncological patients

  • María Elena Garassi Universidad Metropolitana
Keywords: Traumatic experience, Adversity, Resilience,


Resilience like ability to overcome adversity and even learn and get out “strengthened” them has become, in the last decade, the focus of many studies throughout the life cycle and in different cultures. On the other hand, oncological disease was introduced globally in a high percentage of the population requiring labor and health team including psychologists for coping on the part of the patient and their family members. The authors cited in the course of this article refer to the importance of developing resilience at the personal, family and cultural level, started with the presence of trust relationships, cultivating positive emotions, the acceptance of different cycles of life and belief in a just world. These promoting resilience factors are the springs that allow the experience of oncological disease and even death and mourning as opportunities to generate personal and familiar learning. 


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How to Cite
Garassi, M. E. (2009). Resilience and family of oncological patients. Psicodebate, 9, 93-104.