Psychologist's role in the field of justice

  • Silvia Natenson Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: Justice, Autonomy, Ethics,


In the field of Justice, a psychologist acts as a Psychology Expert and assists the Judge by supplying psychological techniques within a frame which is different from the clinic one. In this environment, the role of the psychologist is to diagnose and evaluate the psychological harm a person could have suffered as a consequence of a harmful event for example an accident, so that the victim may receive the corresponding money compensation. A psychology expert also acts in case of minor guardianship, divorce, mala praxis etc. Our proposal is to continue investigating in order to re-define the concept of psychological harm and to design new tables for determining the harm percentage. 


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How to Cite
Natenson, S. (2008). Psychologist’s role in the field of justice. Psicodebate, 8, 79-86.