Positive emotions: A psychological tool for promoting resilience process in childhood

  • Carolina Greco INCIHUSA – CRICYT - CONICET
  • Gabriela Morelato INCIHUSA – CRICYT - CONICET
Keywords: Positive Emotions, Resilience, Childhood,


The aim of this theoretical work is to assess the relation between the capacity to experiment positive emotions and the process of resilience throughout childhood. Our interest arises from two research works being carried out in the province of Mendoza, in Argentina (INCIHUSA-CRICYT-CONICET), directed by Dr Mirta Ison. One the so called “Assessment of resilience in childhood maltreatment”, and the other “ Positive emotions as psycological tools for fostering mental health throughout childhood within vulnerable social contexts”. Resilience is always associated to risky or vulnerable social situations. Positive emotions constitute a resource favorable to the development of resilience. This working hypothesis is based on previous studies which hold that positive emotions favor creative thinking for the solution of interpersonal problems, promote cognitive flexibility, reduce risks at decision making, promote replies to generosity and altruism, increase intelectual resources and counteract depressive tendencies among others. Other authors support the fact that the features a resilient child holds are closely connected to cognitive flexibility, to creative capacity, to the capacity for solving interpersonal problems, to self esteem and attachment links among others. Thus, positive emotions are believed to be one of the psycological resources and tools needed for the development of resilience throughout childhood. 


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How to Cite
Greco, C., Morelato, G., & Ison, M. (2007). Positive emotions: A psychological tool for promoting resilience process in childhood. Psicodebate, 7, 81-94. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v7i0.429