What to do with the results of psychological tests of Education students, in the area of Counseling?

  • Marhilde Sánchez de Gallardo Universidad del Zulia
  • Ligia Pirela de Faría Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Psychological tests, guidance, well-being, support,


All students of Education, in the area of Counseling, at the University of Zulia have started their studies after approving the process of selection administered by the Department of Psychology. Data on 129 people who initiate their university studies when concluding diversified high-school and 57 students who entered by career switch, restarting studies, studying 2 careers. This study is descriptive, documentary, retrospective, cross-sectional was based on results obtained in previous studies where a low performance was determined; similarities in emotional intelligence and indicators (teenager correction), while the correction of adults, revealed a significantly greater average of emotional indicators those who enter by modality. In personality, were similarities in the efficiency in the processing of information, emotional resources to face challenges, enthusiasm, capacity of benefit, sensitivity, control of the behavior, level of tendency to the preoccupation, innovation, analysis of traditions, degree of self-sufficiency and tension. They reveal important differences, with greater grades in those of modality in aggressiveness, irritability, jealousy, dogmatism, will-forcing, little conventionalism and imagination. Significant differences were identified, with greater scores in the group that entered when culminating studies of diversified cycle, in affectivity, respect to the authority, and pursuit of group norms, boldness and facility in the social contacts, emotional expressiveness, group loyalty, situational attitude, and impulsiveness. It is recommended to present/display the results of individual way in order of promoting in the members of both groups to attend individual and/or group therapy, to foment the development of potentialities, to strengthen the psychological well-being, the resilience, to create support networks, to optimize personal resources. Also to investigate situations of familiar load, children, economy, that could present/display the modality group, in order to support a functional handling of its affective bonds and to cause quality of life, of fundamental importance for their professional future. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez de Gallardo, M., & Pirela de Faría, L. (2007). What to do with the results of psychological tests of Education students, in the area of Counseling?. Psicodebate, 7, 169-192. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v7i0.434