Psychologists in Argentina

  • Modesto M. Alonso Buenos Aires
Keywords: Psychologists, Argentine Republic, Survey, Profession,


ince the beginning of Psychology as an university career, 55853 graduate student have obtained their degree as a psychologist. These professionals studied in 34 universities (7 federal and 27 private universities). 46777 psychologists in activity have been detected up to date. Graduate psychologists who are not in activity are 9076. University psychology students are 56387. In 2005, 12268 have started these studies in the field. Taking into account the amount of graduate psychologists related to national population it yields 154 psychologists every 100.000 citizens or in other way 649 inhabitants per psychologist. 


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Alonso M. M. (1994) Los Psicólogos en la República Argentina. Datos Cuantitativos. Acta psiquiát psicol Amer lat, 40 (1), 50-55.

Alonso M. M., Eagly A. (Eds). (1999) Psicología en las Américas. Caracas: Soc. Interamericana de Psicología.

Ardila R. (1986). La psicología en América latina. Pasado, presente y futuro. México: Siglo XXI.

Cortada de Kohan N. (1978) La Psicología en Argentina. En: Ardila R., La Profesión del Psicólogo. México: Trillas.

INDEC- Censo Nacional de Población, Familias y Viviendas. 2001 INDEC- Censo Nacional Económico. 2004

Klappenbach H. (2003) Psychology in Argentina. En: Stevens M J and Wedding D, Handbook of International Psychology. New York: Brunner- Routledge.

How to Cite
Alonso, M. M. (2006). Psychologists in Argentina. Psicodebate, 6, 7-14.