Social comparisons in cancer patients

  • Abraham P. Buunk Universidad de Groninga
Keywords: Social comparison, Cancer patients, Life quality, Well-being,


Social comparison refers to relating one ́s own characteristics to those of other individuals. Due to the enhanced degree of physical distress, depression, and uncertainty, cancer patients tend to compare themselves often with other patients, especially when they are high in social comparison orientation, i.e. in the dispositional tendency to compare themselves with others. Downward comparison, i.e. with others who are worse- off, may contribute to the well-being of cancer patients when it is interpreted as a contrast, i.e. when it is emphased how much better-off one is oneself. Nevertheless, cancer patients tend to prefer information about other patients who are better-off, and such upward comparison may improve coping and contribute to well-being. 


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How to Cite
Buunk, A. P. (2006). Social comparisons in cancer patients. Psicodebate, 6, 29-44.