The value of humor in psycotherapy

  • Liliana Chazenbalk Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: Cognitive Therapy, Positive Psychology, Resilience, Stress, Humor,


The main point of this work is to show how humor—when is used properly- has a positive effect on the patient ant the therapist’s self improving their alliance, supervision and team meetings. It’s also good for profesionals to include humor, recreation and rest in their job routines, because these ingredients let them be more effective in psychoterapy. The vast majority of psychological theories agree on its importance. The Cognitive Psychology believes that humor helps the patient evaluate reality in a different way, stops disfunctional thoughts, lets the expression of negative emotions and finds more adaptative patterns. 


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How to Cite
Chazenbalk, L. (2006). The value of humor in psycotherapy. Psicodebate, 6, 73-84.

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