Emotional and social intelligence and tacit knowledge. Its value in everyday life.

  • Norma Contini Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, CONICET
Keywords: social intelligence, practical intelligence, emotional intelligence, tacit knowledge,


Several types of non academic intelligence are defined considering the question about what distinguishes the successfull persons from unsuccessfull persons in everyday life. In the recent decades has rised a wide field of research about others kinds of intelligence in attempt tha IQ test had no offered a good explanation for the mentioned question. Tacit Knowledge, Social Intelligence, Practical Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are defined and the overlaped points of those definitions are analized. It is considered the relation between those kind of intelligence and the everyday life problem solving. The concept of emotional intelligence is analized considering: mental abilities and personalities traits models. The studies about non academic forms of intelligence had enlarged the cognitive abilities conception. Those studies had pointed out the importance of linking reasoning procceses and the emotions in order to know better human behavior. 


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How to Cite
Contini, N. (2005). Emotional and social intelligence and tacit knowledge. Its value in everyday life. Psicodebate, 5, 63-80. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v5i0.452