Does schizophrenia start in adolescence?

  • Gustavo Héctor Vázquez Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: schizophrenia, onset, course, prodromal symptoms, birthdate, viral infections,


Schizophrenia is considered a severe mental disorder that is associated with significant morbidity, unlike other mental disorders, the symptoms of schizophrenia often do not manifest for decades. In most patients, the formal onset of schizophrenia is preceded by prodromal symptoms, including positive symptoms, negative symptoms, mood symptoms and social withdrawal. There are several theories about the etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia. Some focused on different factors such as genetic, environmental (e.g. stress), molecular, maldevelopment and alterations in the normal pathways of neuronal migration. Supported by several international studies, there is an interesting hypothesis that suggests the influence of a neurophatogen virosic agent acting on the fetus. This enviromental noxa would damaged the programed neuronal migration. The exposure to influenza virus by the fifth month of gestation is supposed to be associated with schizophrenia in adult life. We have first done an update and revision of previous papers in the matter, then followed by the analyses of more than 500 patients with schizophrenia (according with to DSM-IV criteria). The results supported the hypothesis that season of birth is associated with increased risk for schizophrenia. 


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How to Cite
Vázquez, G. H. (2005). Does schizophrenia start in adolescence?. Psicodebate, 5, 81-90.