Children with attention deficit disorder

  • Eleonora Giusti Universidad de Palermo
  • Sabrina Helou
  • Andrea Abadi
Keywords: disruptive behavior, ADHD, parental management,


Preliminary data is presented in this study of a Parent Training Program (PTP) carried out in a general hospital context within the brief therapy approach for parents of school age children who met criteria for externalizing behavior problems such as oppositional defiant, impulsive, hyperactive and disruptive behaviors. Systemic- Cognitive- Behavioral techniques were used with 8 families included in a group format treatment. The theoretical framework is based on 1-the characteristics of the disorder that put a strain on the parents rearing skills; 2- the neuropsychological findings in the comprehension of ADHD; 3- and the role of the environment in its expression taking into account the coercive vs persuasive parenting styles. According to the PTP, eight 90 minutes sessions were held weekly with two follow up meetings (3- 6 months). Data showed a significant diminished negative- coercive parenting style and there is a change in the children disruptive behavior as well. 


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How to Cite
Giusti, E., Helou, S., & Abadi, A. (2005). Children with attention deficit disorder. Psicodebate, 5, 99-114.