History of mothers in west nations: rethinking motherhood

  • Alicia Oiberman Universidad de Palermo, CONICET
Keywords: Maternity, maternal revolution, motherhood,


The purpose of this report is to go through the history of the maternity’s conception, set as an evolutive and vital process proper of psychological humans’ development, even though this subject has different characteristics in each historical stage. Motherhood in the human specie goes beyond of biological facts: but also has a social, cultural, historical and psychological meaning. This subject has been surrounded by two keys issues since the Second Half of the XX century: the Welfare States- mainly in West nations- and the increasing of biological disciplines linked to the possibility of planning births.Maternity becomes from a natural imposition to a personal election as a chosen maternity. It will be related which were the Hellenic, Latin and Jewish-Christian legacies until to arrive in this maternal revolution, this chosen maternity. 


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How to Cite
Oiberman, A. (2005). History of mothers in west nations: rethinking motherhood. Psicodebate, 5, 115-130. https://doi.org/10.18682/pd.v5i0.456