Adaptation of the General Causality Orientations Scale for University Students
The goal of this study was to adapt the General Causality Orientations Scale, aimed at the assessment of global motivation, within university population. Participants were 364 students between 18 and 35 years old from the University of Buenos Aires (62.6% female, 37.4% male; Mage = 22.97, SDage = 3). Data were collected with a sociodemographic and academic survey, the Academic Motivation Scale, and the General Causality Orientations Scale. At first, conceptual and linguistic adaptation was carried out from the translation and analysis of the content of the test items. Through an exploratory factor analysis employing Minimum Rank Factor Analysis (MRFA) as extraction method with a direct Oblimin oblique rotation, a 15-item structure grouped into three factors (Autonomous, Controlled, Impersonal) was found, explaining 67.7% of the variance. Internal consistency, estimated with ordinal alphas, was adequate (α = .71/.81). Also, evidence of criterion validity was provided with the Academic Motivation Scale. Finally, a test-retest analysis provided evidence regarding temporal stability of the scores. In conclusion, assessment technology is conveyed through the local adaptation of a global measure of motivation with appropriate psychometric quality and suitable for its use with college students.
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