Love attitudes and attachment

  • María Elena Brenlla Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Analía Brizzio Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET
  • Alejandra Carreras Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Love styles, Love attitudes, Attachment, Assessment, Psychometric properties


Love styles described by Lee are Eros (passionate love), Ludus (game-pla- ying love), Storge (friendship love), Mania (possessive, dependent love), Pragma (logical, “shopping list” love) and Agape (all-giving, selfless love). Based on those types, Hendrick and Hendrick developed a 42-ítem rating questionnaire with 7 items measuring each love style (Love Attitudes Scale). Beside, inform about frequency in love relationships and attachment style. The purpose of this study was analyze the reliability and factor structure of the Love Attitudes Scale and to investigate the association between love attitudes and the attachment style. The results (N=280 participants) indicate adequate internal consistency (alfa = 0,73). The items were intercorrelated and factored. The best solution extracted six factors using varimax rotation and all six factors accounted 41% of the total variance. Secure attachment was related positively to eros. 


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How to Cite
Brenlla, M. E., Brizzio, A., & Carreras, A. (2004). Love attitudes and attachment. Psicodebate, 4, 7-23.