First Love's Memories
The current paper analyses the answers of 800 Argentine adults, aging from 30 to 60 years old, to a technique that evaluates memories of the first love and its meaning. Results show that participants refer to have fallen in love for the first time when being around 15 years old. Women express much more frequently than men to have fallen in love for the first time with an older person. 30 % of the subjects qualify this first as platonic and not coresponded love meanwhile 70% express to have been returned. Less than 10% of persons participating in this reserach affirm they frequently remember that experience. Along the given semantic differential, the chosen adjetives to describe the first being (falling) in love experience are: good, nice, sincere, clean, valuable, pleasant, healthful and positivve. Data gathered let us affirm that the first love is idealized not only during experiencig it, but also when it is remembered.
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