Development and validation of an instrument to measure attachment styles in elementary school children

  • Rolando Díaz Loving Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Ariadna L. Vargas González Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Attachment styles, Measurement,


Family is the first environment where a person interacts and it is also where personal styles of interaction are shaped, and useful tools to relate to others are learned. The present research project was undertaken in order to understand how children in elementary school relate to their peers depending on the attachment styles developed in their family. In order to do this, an exploratory study was conducted to identify the behaviors, feelings and thoughts children experience while relating to their parents. In a second study, a 147 items measurement instrument was developed to measure attachment styles in children. 495 kids from 9 to 13 years, from private and public schools participated in the study; the sample was non probabilistic and by quotas. In later phases, psychometric analysis was conducted, yielding 87 final items, grouped into seven valid and reliable factors. Finally, sex and age differences are shown. 


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How to Cite
Díaz Loving, R., & Vargas González, A. L. (2004). Development and validation of an instrument to measure attachment styles in elementary school children. Psicodebate, 4, 71-88.