Sexual Self-Descriptions and Gender Stereotypes in College Students

  • Mercedes Fernández Liporace Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET
Keywords: Sexual, Self-descriptions, College students,


The paper presents partial results from a study carried out to analyze the way young college students self-describe their sexual behavior in relation with sex. Data show significant differences in certain adjectives, linked with traditional roles assigned to women and men in sexual relationships; an additional comparison with results about gender sterotypes reported by Williams & Best (1994) is made. A survey on sociodemographic data and a list of 70 adjectives that describe sexual behaviors were administered to a sample of 248 college students from Buenos Aires city and its suburban area.


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How to Cite
Fernández Liporace, M. (2004). Sexual Self-Descriptions and Gender Stereotypes in College Students. Psicodebate, 4, 89-104.