Psycho-social approach of the couple. Approaches from the communication therapy and the problem-soving therapy

  • Martín Wainstein Universidad de Palermo
  • Valeria Wittner Universidad de Palermo
Keywords: Couple therapy, communication, problem solving,


Couple therapy is a specific practice within interpersonal relationship Psychology. Although limitations of its results must be admitted, it has demonstrated its effectiveness on an empiric way. In this article there is a short description of the concept of couple and the common problems they have. We present the couple as a social institution, in which a particular diadic relationship is established with regard to the exchange of thoughts, affection and things such as assets, the body of its members, their power relationships, their ideas about reality, their interpersonal communication, love and the capacity to problem solving, as a way out of conflicts that can emerge in their living together. We describe the contributions of communication theory and problem-solving therapy to couple therapy. 


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How to Cite
Wainstein, M., & Wittner, V. (2004). Psycho-social approach of the couple. Approaches from the communication therapy and the problem-soving therapy. Psicodebate, 4, 131-144.